Comfy Cotton Blend Yarn by Lion Brand… Review


Comfy Cotton Blend

It pays to do a unscheduled stroll threw the yarn isle when your at your local Walmart ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m always checking to see if anything new pops up. It has been a big disappointment til the other day. As I ended my walk thru the isle and I was feeling a bit “let down” again.. A bright shinning light was at the end, on a end cap… Comfy Cotton Blend. After the initial O.M.G moment and I collected myself, I went threw the normal routine.

First the Look.. The “look” is a scope the surroundings.. Check the price, See what colors there is, is anyone watching me?? lol Once I have done that.. The Touch Test is activated.. This includes.. Feeling the yarn, giving it a squish test, gently rub a yarn strand and finally, after checking to see if I’m being watched again.. I gently slide the yarn over my wrists for softness test. If all test’s pass, the yarn is then carefully placed in my basket and off we go.. except this time.

This Comfy Cotton Blend yarn done jumped in my cart during the beginning of the touch test…. So lets break this down and on with the review ๐Ÿ˜‰

There is a good amount of Colors to choose from.. 10.. my Walmart however only has about 5 of them.. so far. The colors are vibrant and unique. The striping is not over powering in this yarn as you can see below in the project I’m making…


I’m loving the way this color is working so far. ๐Ÿ™‚


The Technical Stoof’s ๐Ÿ˜‰


1 cake is 7oz.. 392yds …ย  Weight is #3 light.. Crochet Hook 5.5mm/ Knitting 4.5mm … Machine Wash & Dry

This is a Cotton Blend.. 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester

The feel of this yarn is addicting. The squish & softness is to die for…. Now, so that we are clear I’m comparing this to other Cotton blends I have used. There is softer yarn out there but as far as Cotton Blends go.. This is in the top 3 for me. Cotton/silk blend & Cotton/Bamboo are still my favorites.

Working with this yarn has been a relief to my hands. Those of you that work with Cotton know that after a bit of working with it the texture starts to irritate or even chafe your fingers as you work. This yarn has been a blessing ๐Ÿ˜‰

Durability has been impressive also. It has withstood several froggings and hasn’t frayed, split, etc. Working with it has been easy also. With normal cotton you will get places where the cotton strand has “unwoven” and your hook goes thru the middle of the yarn. This yarn is consistent and has not “unwoven” for me, making crocheting a breeze.

This yarn is working out well for the bigger project I’m making… the weight is not as heavy as most Cotton or Cotton Blends, so it won’t be heavy and bulky. Its actually, so far, very light and flowing giving you more options to use it with.

All in All I give Comfy Cotton Blend a big thumbs up. I have found nothing negative about this yarn.

If you can not find this at your local Walmart you can purchase it online at Lion Brand Yarns.. Starting a $7.99 a cake

Walmart was a bit cheaper at around $6.50 if you can find it there.

Till Next time..

Have a Great Week ๐Ÿ™‚



WulfiesEssentials is not paid nor endorsed by any Person &/or Company mentioned in this post. These are solely my opinions based on use of this product.











  1. I started a project with this yarn and really like the feel as well. Purchased at my local Walmart. Be forewarned!! Walmart sells cheaper because they get the lesser quality of items. In one cake, I’ve had five knots where it had obviously came apart and was tied during manufacture. This seems to be a theme when purchasing yarn from Walmart. (Redheart also in my past experience) It’s a real pain in the ads since I have to cut and join just to make my projects neat when crocheting along. I’d rather pay the extra dollar or so for the quality and less aggravation. I’m a true believer that you get what you pay for and will not be buying any future yarn from Walmart.


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