Loops And Threads- Cotton Yarn’s Review

Cotton Colors… So sad to see you go. You were one of my Top 5 favorite cotton yarns 😭

Loops & Threads is a Michaels “Store Brand”. Meaning usually the only way to get this yarn would be from Michaels. However, now a days there is usually someone or some site that also sells it but for more money. Being a “store” brand also usually means its the cheaper version of name brands but not always. Being cheaper, in some cases, means the product is usually not as good, it has flaws, made with poor quality fibers, etc. So you really need to do your homework and decide if the store brand is actually worth buying.

With Loops & Threads… Cottons, I was very impressed. I actually fell in love with their Cotton Colors Line. This particular line was not overly soft but felt good against your skin and the weight was perfect for my scarves, still had a flow to it but enough weight to keep the stitches look crisp. I bought my first few balls just a little over a year ago. Recently, to my utter dismay I have learned of its, and other lines demise. I will be going thru what lines Loops & Threads had and discontinued and which one survived ( for now anyways).

Cotton Colors

As I stated before this yarn made my top 5 favorite cotton yarns to work with. Hugely disappointed that they gave up on this line after only 1yr of it being out. It was a medium weight, although it was a tiny bit thinner than other medium weight cotton yarns. The gradients on this yarn were beautifully smooth in transition. It look stunning whether you blocked your project or not, was easy to care for. Just all around great yarn. I was so excited to write a review and show this yarn off… but… they pulled it, Discountinued!, no more. I’m so sad about this. I have noticed a few online sellers selling it but I doubt they have much.

Creme Cotton

This yarn has a few different aspects to it compared to the cotton colors line. Below is a chart of those differences.

  • Creme only comes in Solid colors
  • It has a smaller amount of yardage
  • It’s a medium weight but is thicker
  • Yarn is a Braided strand, not the normal twist ( photo comparison below)
  • Not as easy to care for… Hand wash only
  • And last if not least… It is NOT 100% cotton. Its is a 87% cotton 13% Nylon Blend.

As you can see by the pictures above.. Creme is a fluffier braided strand where as Cotton Colors was a thinner twisted strand.Yet both are a Medium Weight ( #4) yarn. Creme is also softer but fuzzier. Because it is braided you do not have it “split” on you as you work, I have this happen occasionally on the regular cotton yarns.

Even though when I purchased the Creme Cotton, roughly 5 months ago, It had a Limited Time Only sticker on the label. I grabbed a few of each color knowing that it would be disappearing from the shelves. At the time I was already completely happy with Cotton Colors so it was no big deal. Then Loops & Threads pulled a fast one on me… They pulled Cotton Colors and “re-branded” Creme Cotton, which is the only one in the stores today.

The Yardage is the same 324yds/5.29oz, Care instructions the same – Hand Wash cold, Dry flat and no iron. The Needles size has changed. Previously it was 6.5mm, Now its 6mm… it went smaller by a tad. This is still a Medium weight ( #4) and has the “braided” type strand. Working with it is going smoothly but I’m afraid at this time I do not have a finished project to show you. They threw a wrench into my original review and I wasn’t quite prepared.

Over all it is a nice yarn.. Its soft and easy to work with. I do not have any complaints about it. What i do have a issue with is Loops & Threads took a very good 100% cotton yarn off the shelves and replaced it with a non 100%. For me personally, it doesn’t work for my needs and I will be back searching stores and brands trying new 100% cotton yarns.

Side Note….

I did happen upon another short lived Loops and Threads yarn.. but this wasn’t a cotton yarn and is nolonger available… Not sure if anyone else saw this last year at the stores. It was only out for a few months…

ECO- Brights!

This was a fantastic idea and I have no clue why they would stop branding this type of yarn!! Eco- Brights was 100% RECYCLED PLASTIC POLYESTER Yarn. Totally peeked my interest but yet again as soon as it hit shelves it seemed to be discontinued. Another yarn I’m sure would have made a big hit. Shame but I will be keeping an eye out for a possible return or others that are out there waiting to be found.

Thank you for stopping by and til next time… Be Safe, Have fun and Take care!

WulfiesEssentials© is neither paid or affiliated with any persons &/or Business mentioned in this post. Any “review” is solely my opinion based on use of the Item mentioned in this post.


  1. Every time this happens – a yarn is withdrawn – I ask, uselessly, “Why ?!”. The only possible answer can be that some new yarn is being introduced, and the body in question (In your case, Michaels) doesn’t have ‘room’ to keep them all. I feel as if it’s done arbitrarily; that some decision-maker says EENY MEENY MINY MO and out goes .. something. Of course it isn’t: they just look at their sales. But it would be so much more customer-friendly if they polled their customers, don’t you think ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems this is happening more and more.. which ok, I understand they have to keep up with competitors. What angers me is they do not keep the product out long enough to see if it has good sale. I’ve ran across yarns I’ve never even seen advertised and they are on clearance ( discontinued). Just frustrating

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Rarely is business conducted these days for the benefit of the customer, Sandi – it’s nearly always because someone thinks “we must do something NEW !”. 😦


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