
Sandi of WulfiesEssentials

Hi, I’m Sandi
Creator & Owner of Wulfie’s Essentials..
I’m a Crochet Lover, Crafter & Healing Stone “Collector” 😉
I Respect Mother Nature, Speak my Truth & Honor my Guides.

I take life one day at a time & always…..
Live, Love, Laugh & Repeat. 🙂


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Fiber Arts

was founded on the basis of all that I love. Wanting to share this love and desire of my “maker” life with all. WulfiesEssentials is primarily Crochet due to a over whelming Love for Yarn 😉 but I do enjoy and love.. Macrame, Sewing, Ceramics & DIY’s.

Fiber is a Essential part of our lives. It is all around us… Our Clothes, Bedding & Bath, Furniture. You can Crochet it, Knit it, Weave it, Knot it, the list goes on.

Art… The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, works produced by human creative skill and imagination.

WulfiesEssentials has a down to earth motto. Life is not always perfect.. Things don’t always go as planed. I don’t hide my flaws, I learn and grow from them.There is always room for improvement,

Thank You for taking the time to Visit 🙂


Where playing and creating with Fiber never gets old 🙂
